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Lesson 3.

1. Basic Vocabulary.

Translate the following words into your language:

1. engaged ….

2. wedding …

3. married …

4. marriage …

5. wife …

6. husband …

7. divorce …

8. divorced ….

2. Getting engaged.

Use the correct form of these words and expressions:

get engaged


propose to


set a date

  1. I’ve got some news. I’m really excited. Mark … me to marry him last night. I said yes!

  2. I remember the day my husband … me. We were on holiday in Greece. It was very romantic.

  3. - Have you heard? Martin and Lisa have just … . They’re planning to get married next year. - Really? That’s fantastic. Have they …?

  4. In some countries parents … their children’s marriages. They look for a suitable partner for their son or daughter to marry.

Do you know that …

The man you are engaged to is your fiancé. The woman you are engaged to is your fiancée. Nowadays these words are less common.

3. Before wedding

Julie and Dave are getting married next month. Match the beginnings of the phrases on the left with the endings on the right.

1.Julie has sent out

a. her wedding dress.

2. Dave has asked

b. a stag night on the Friday before the wedding.

3. They’ve booked

c. a wedding list.

4. Julie has bought

d. a hen night on the Friday night before the wedding.

5. They’ve bought each other

e. invitations to all the wedding guests.

6. They’ve made

f. wedding rings.

7. Julie’s going to have

g. the hotel for the reception.

8. Dave’s going to have

h. his brother to be a best man.

4. People at the wedding.

Use these words to describe this picture.



best man




The two people getting married are the … and the … . They are being married by the … . The two little girls are the … . The man standing on the groom’s right is his … . The wedding … are watching the ceremony.

5. The vows.

Here are the marriage vows a man says in Britain. Complete them using these words.





I (John Smith) take thee (Jane Brown) to be may wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for (1) …, for richer, for (2)…, in sickness and in (3) …, to love and to cherish, till (4) … us to part.

6. The wedding

The following events describe a traditional wedding. Put them in the correct order:

  1. Their friends throw confetti at them.

  2. They cut the cake and make speeches.

  3. Her father walks down the aisle with her.

  4. They leave for their honeymoon.

  5. They spend ages taking photographs!

  6. The bride arrives at the church late.

  7. The couple makes their wedding vows.

  8. They go to a hotel for the wedding reception.

  9. They go couple walk back up the aisle, man and wife!

The corrects order is:……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Do you know that …

In Britain people either have a church wedding or they have a civil ceremony in a registry office. They don’t have both as in some countries. If people get married in church they usually have a white wedding – the bride wears a traditional white dress.